A winter morning view from Clingmans Dome in
Great Smoky Mountains National Park

- Galileo Galilei -
“The book of nature is written in mathematics.”
Click title for link to publication
Levy, B., Legault, C., Brooks, E., and Miller, T. Modeling Spatial Preferences and Stock Trends
of Atlantic Fish Under the Pressures of Climate Change. In Progress.
Saucedo, O., Prosper, O., Levy, B., Tang, T., Laubmeier, A., and Asik, L. Impact of Data
Structure, Availability and Noise Distribution on Practical and Structural Identifiability of
an SEIR Model. In Progress.
Welsh, D., Ludlam, P., Downs, E., Gordon, E., Clark, E., Levy, B., Huang, J., and O’Connor,
A. Stream Fish Community Structure Across an Urban Gradient. Submitted August 2022.
Levy, B., Windoloski, K., and Ludlam, J. (2021), Matrix and Agent-Based Modeling of Threats to a Diamond-backed Terrapin Population. Mathematical Biosciences.
Levy, B., Correia, H., Ronoh, M., Chimbola, O., Kgosimore, M., Chirove, F., Abebe,
A., Machingauta, H., Lenhart, S., and White, J. (2021). Modeling the Effect of HIV/AIDS Stigma on HIV Infection Dynamics in Kenya. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.
Burton, D., Lenhart, S., Levy, B., Edholm, C.,Washington, M., Green, B.,White,
J., Lungu, E., Chimbola, O., Kgosimor, M., Chirove, F., and Machingata, H. (2021). A Mathematical Model of Contact Tracing During the 2014-2016 West African Ebola Outbreak. Mathematics.
Levy, B., Lenhart, S., Collins, C., and Stiver, W. (2021). Evidence for Multiple Transmission Routes for Pseudorabies in Wild Hogs. Mathematics of Planet Earth Special Edition on Infectious Disease Modeling.
Edholm, C., Levy, B., Le Fevre, S., Lenhart S., Marijani, T., Yakubu, A., & Nyabadza, F. (2019). A Risk Structured Mathematical Model of Buruli Ulcer Disease Dynamics in Ghana. Mathematics of Planet Earth Special Edition on Infectious Disease Modeling.
Levy, B. and Odoi, A. (2018). Exploratory Investigation of Region Level Risk Factors of Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa. PeerJ.
Levy, B., Edholm, C., Lenhart, S., Gaoue, O., Kgosimore, M., Lungu, E., Nyabadza, F. and Marijani, T. (2017). Modeling the Role of Education in Limiting a Future Outbreak of Ebola. Infectious Disease Modeling.
Levy, B., Collins, C., Lenhart, S. and Stiver, W. (2017). Evaluating Wild Hog Preferences to Guide Control Strategies in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Natural Resource Modeling.
Hujoel, M., Dantzler, A., Parkman, V., Wild, A., Levy, B., Lenhart, S. and Wilkes, R. (2016). Canine Distemper Outbreak Modeled in an Animal Shelter. Letters in Biomathematics.
Levy, B., Collins, C., Lenhart, S., Madden, M., Corn, J., Salinas, R. and Stiver, W. (2016). A Metapopulation Model for Feral Hogs in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Natural Resource Modeling.